
Be ready

Posted by chris.dauphin
“Look, If you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted In one moment…Would you capture it, or just let it slip?” – Eminem

Eminem was asking a fundamental question. When you get offered the gig, will you be ready? It’s worth your time to ponder this question.

If you aren’t yet established in your field, even if you are, someday, a major opportunity will arise. It will be your chance. But if you aren’t ready, not only will you not get or keep the gig, you could possibly derail your entire career.

Don’t let opportunity embarrass you. Be ready.

But what does “be ready” mean? It definitely means more than just finishing a degree, or passing a workshop, or nailing an audition. Being ready is a continual, everyday effort to stay on top of your craft.

My advice? Be a life long learner. Read books, practice new techniques, keep up to date with and learn the latest trends (at least be aware of what is happening), etc. However you do it, if you want to stay on top, it is vital to keep your skills sharp and remain relevant in your field.

And what if you aren’t ready yet? Honestly, I’d recommend you consider Eminem’s question. If you had one shot? Prepare for that.

But let me be clear, I didn’t say you need to be perfect, just ready. As important as it is to remain ready, it is also important that you don’t allow perfect to paralyze you.

Know your craft, practice, and stay up to date with current trends in your field, and you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way.

Ok, that’s all for today. Good luck out there!


Photo by Justiniano Adriano from Pexels

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