
A blog post every day…Here we go

Posted by chris.dauphin

Daunting. That is the word that comes to mind as I sit here pondering what I am about to try to do.

Do I start small, and just do a few days? Or, do I jump in and go for an entire year?

I’ve recently started reading content from Seth Godin. Seth creates a blog post every day. He has little to no social media presence, but he is considered one of the world’s premier marketing geniuses. Godin’s absence from social media is intentional.

Let me be clear, I don’t want to be him. I am not like him. (Well, I sort of look a little like him) But, there is something about this idea of creating a blog post every day which appeals to me.

He is also an advocate of stepping away from social media and using that time to create something which makes the world better, which really resonates with me.

Social media platforms are designed to keep us coming back so they can sell our eyeball time. And companies will pay big dollars to reach us while we are scrolling. Meanwhile, we’ve wasted countless hours doing nothing. (Have you ever sat there after scrolling and tried to remember 3 things you looked at? It is difficult because it is so mindless.)

Nevertheless, I think Social Media has its place. I think there are ways to use it to make the world better, and I have seen others accomplish just that, but we have to remember it is only a tool. It is very easy to waste a lot of time on a platform.

That is why I am choosing to take on this self-created challenge, one blog post a day for… for as long as I can. This way, instead of wasting time scrolling, I will “waste time” blogging.

My goal is to share the things I’ve learned as a communications director, as a marketer, as a professional musician, as a creative, as a spouse, as a father, as a son, and as a human.

Maybe it’s helpful. Maybe not. Maybe people read this… maybe not. The great thing is, every scenario is ok because I am doing it for me with zero expectations. That said, I do hope something here is helpful.

That’s all for today. Good luck out there!


Photo by Burst from Pexels

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