
Have you written a plan to reach your goals?

Posted by chris.dauphin

Do you know the difference between strategy and tactics? Have you written out a plan to reach your goals?

First, let’s talk about the difference between Strategies vs. Tactics because many people get confused about these.

I also used to get these mixed up, so I want to offer my way of distinguishing between the two.

The simplest way I can explain the difference is you can see tactics; you don’t see strategy.

For example, imagine a war… tanks moving in, missiles being fired, jets overhead, helicopters on the horizon, you can see all of this happening, these are tactics. But, where and when your enemy deploys their assault, well you won’t know that, because that’s their strategy.

Why is it important to know the difference between these, you might ask. It is because you will need to define both when creating a plan to address whatever problem you are trying to solve.

You ARE creating a plan, right? Ok, let’s stop for a second.

The single most important thing you can do to move closer to any of your goals is to sit down and hash out a plan. Everyone has heard the saying, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” It is a cliche, but only because it is true.

You must spend time thinking about what you want to accomplish. Ask yourself, what is the issue? What do I hope to change about the issue? Who would care if the issue changed? How can I go about making the necessary change happen? What things, if they were to happen, could help change the issue? What are some creative, out-of-the-box, maybe indirect ways to impact the issue? What are the specific steps to make all of these things happen? What is the best way to organize my efforts on a timeline? What will have happened for this plan to be considered a success? 

You will be surprised at what you will come up with when you sit and really ponder all the creative ways to answer these questions and work toward achieving your objective. 

Ok, so here’s the plan I use for everything (personal and professional). I have never shared this with anyone, but it is my secret weapon for success. I hope you get as much use out of it as I have.
Chris’ strategic plan for success:

First, Define the situation (start this with a free-write about the problem you are trying to solve, the barriers you face, key individuals connected to the problem, and how you wound up in this place). Next, answer the following questions:

1. What are your primary Objectives (what you hope to accomplish in measurable terms)

2. Who is the Audience (Who are you trying to reach/effect? i.e., who will care? who can help?)

3. What is your Strategy: (How do you plan to accomplish your objective? I would come up with at least three concurring ideas)

4. What are your Tactics: (Specific instructions and to-do items to put the strategy into motion. This will be a list of 15 or more items)

5. Calendar/Timetable (generic examples below, these typically align with your tactics)

Week Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Research         x x o o o o o o o 
Press coverage o x x x o o o o o
News release o o x o o o o o o
Op-Ed o o x o o o o o o
Website page o o x o o o o o x
Mailings to key influencers o o o o x x x x x
Special mailing  o o o x o o o o o
Email campaigns o o x x x x x x x
News releases  o o o o x o x o x
Bumper stickers  o o o o o o o x o
media tour o o o o o x x x o

6. Budget 

  • Design and Printing
  • Postage
  • Publicity
  • Office Expenses
  • Etc.

Total: $$$

7. Measurement (“We will” statements about what you will measure to demonstrate success)


Ok, there you have it. This is the exact plan I use in both my private and professional life to accomplish my goals. And, I will add, every time I have made an effort to use this plan, it has worked. Why? Because the majority of people do not plan like this, and when you do, things really start happening for you. So, I hope you are ready. Good luck!

#CreateSomethingGreat #BeConsistent #BeRelentless #BeGreat

PS – If you use my plan, I’d love to know how it worked out for you. So, let me know!

Follow me on Twitter at @cdauphin

Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

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