
Is this blog for you?

Posted by chris.dauphin

My work isn’t for everyone. Neither is yours.

And it doesn’t have to be.

But have you ever thought about who your work is for?

In this blog, I share what I know to be true about success, growth, branding, marketing, parenting, social media, the music industry, life and more. My hope and intention are that my experiences might inspire or help others. But I know not everyone will find my experiences or words useful.

I may have little to offer someone in med school, for example. And that’s ok, because people have diverse preferences.

Some people prefer coffee in the morning, others only need a glass of water. Some prefer to workout in the morning to get their day started, others choose to end their day with exercise. Some people do not like to work out at all, while others work out at lunch, or on the weekends. All these choices are ok, and good.

What these choices are not, are indictments of your work.

If someone doesn’t like chocolate, that doesn’t mean chocolate is bad. It just means that chocolate isn’t for that particular person.

But, if I am a chocolatier, I am looking to find and serve those who DO like chocolate. Because these are the people my work is for.

It is our responsibility as makers of things to figure out who we make things for. Then, go find and serve THEM.

Ok, that’s all for today. Good luck out there!


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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