
We live in an amazing time

Posted by chris.dauphin

#Solved This rubix cube has been floating around my house for a couple years unsolved, blatantly mocking all of us. I said, not today cube, not today. (Poor cube is from the 80’s and doesn’t realize YouTube is a thing, I kind of feel bad for it)

It is amazing when you think about how much knowledge and power is available to us at a moments notice. I couldn’t have solved this puzzle today on my own, even if my life depended on it. But, thanks to a few tutorials on YouTube it was possible.

In my home, I’ve replaced the floors in three rooms, professionally I’ve mastered Logic Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, Vegas video, and more. All thanks to tutorials on YouTube!

I hear so many people say, I just don’t know how to edit videos, write press releases, edit audio, or ________. All I’ll say is this, there are resources out there today the world has never had at any other time in history, and it’s available to all of us 24/7. If you aren’t taking advantage of this free, unending resource, it’s time to dive in. The answer to your questions and the instructions for anything you want to do are out there. Now go, do.

That’s all for today. Good luck out there!


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